The Industry Leadership Board (ILB) within the Global Center for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) serves as the cornerstone of integrating industry capabilities and insights into the GCRI's multidisciplinary ecosystem. The ILB facilitates a symbiotic relationship between the industry sector and other pillars of the Quintuple Helix model — academia, government, civil society organizations (CSOs/NGOs), and bioregions. Nexus framework is designed to drive innovative solutions and advancements in the fields of risk management, security, privacy, and sustainability, ensuring that industry practices are at the forefront of ethical innovation and global sustainability efforts.


  • Application and Integration: Industry entities interested in joining the GCRI community under the ILB are invited to submit an application that outlines their strategic interests, potential contributions to innovation, and commitment to the GCRI’s core missions. Upon approval, they are seamlessly integrated into relevant National Working Groups (NWGs) and collaborative projects, aligning their capabilities with global innovation efforts.

  • Customized Membership Structure: Recognizing the diversity within the industry sector, the ILB offers a tailored membership structure. This structure considers the organization's size, revenue, and the strategic value of their contribution, ensuring a balanced and equitable involvement of all industry partners.

  • Strategic Benefits: Industry members gain unparalleled access to a global network of innovators, policymakers, and researchers, enabling them to:

    • Leverage cutting-edge research and insights for product development and risk mitigation.

    • Participate in the development of global standards that shape industry practices and regulatory frameworks.

    • Collaborate on sustainability initiatives that align with corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals.


  • Active Collaboration: Members are expected to actively engage in GCRI initiatives, contributing their expertise, resources, and innovative technologies to collaborative projects and research endeavors.

  • Sustainability and Ethical Innovation: Commitment to integrating sustainable practices and ethical considerations into business operations, aligning with the GCRI's mission to promote global sustainability and responsible innovation.


  • Cross-Sector Projects: Engage in cross-sector projects with academia, government, and CSOs/NGOs to address complex global challenges, driving innovation through diverse perspectives and expertise.

  • Standardization and Policy Influence: Play a crucial role in shaping industry standards and influencing policy development, ensuring that regulatory environments support sustainable and secure innovation.

  • Joint Technology Ventures: Participate in joint technology ventures facilitated by the GCRI, exploring new markets and innovation opportunities in a collaborative, risk-mitigated environment.

Frameworks for Engagement

  • Innovation Ecosystems: The ILB fosters vibrant innovation ecosystems that encourage open innovation, co-creation, and shared intellectual property models, maximizing the commercial and societal impact of collaborative efforts.

  • Hackathons and Challenges: Lead or contribute to hackathons and innovation challenges designed to tackle specific industry problems, fostering a culture of rapid innovation and creative problem-solving.

  • Workforce Development: Collaborate on workforce development programs that align educational outputs with industry needs, ensuring a pipeline of skilled professionals ready to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.

Strategic Impact

  • Driving Sustainable Development: Industry members contribute to the GCRI’s sustainability goals, integrating green technologies and practices into their operations and collaborative projects.

  • Advancing Global Security and Privacy: By collaborating on security and privacy projects, industry members help advance global efforts to protect data, infrastructure, and individual privacy in an increasingly digital world.


Fee Calculation Criteria

  • Economic Tier Classification: The ILB classifies countries into economic tiers, factoring in GDP per capita. Membership fees are then adjusted to match these classifications, promoting fairness and ensuring that companies from all economic backgrounds can contribute and benefit from GCRI’s resources.

  • Company Size and Revenue: Reflecting the diverse scale of businesses within the industry, membership fees are scaled based on the size and revenue of the company. This scaling ensures that contributions are proportionate to the company's financial capacity.

  • Special Considerations: For companies operating in regions experiencing economic hardship, conflict, or facing extraordinary circumstances, the GCRI offers fee waivers or reductions. This consideration ensures that such conditions do not preclude companies from participating in and contributing to the GCRI's mission.

Payment Process and Support

  • Invoicing and Payment Options: Industry members are invoiced annually with their membership fees, which are calculated based on the adjusted criteria. The GCRI provides various payment options to suit different financial systems and practices, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

  • Support for Financial Transactions: The ILB, together with the GCRI’s Central Bureau, extends support to industry members facing transactional challenges. This support ensures that financial or bureaucratic hurdles do not hinder a company's participation in the GCRI.


Equitable Voting System

  • Every industry member within the ILB framework enjoys equal voting rights on matters that affect the industry's role and contributions within the GCRI. This equitable approach guarantees that each company, regardless of its size or financial contribution, has an equal say in the strategic directions and initiatives of the GCRI.

Strategic Voting in Key Areas

  • Innovation and Technology Development: Industry members have the right to vote on proposals related to technological innovations, new product development, and the integration of sustainable practices, aligning product and service offerings with global standards and market needs.

  • Collaborative Projects and Funding: Industry members influence the direction of collaborative projects and the allocation of GCRI funds towards industry-relevant research and innovation efforts in their jurisdiction.

  • Standardization and Regulatory Influence: Votes on the development of industry standards and regulatory policies ensure that industry needs and perspectives are adequately represented, promoting a collaborative approach to shaping global standards.

Representation in the General Assembly

  • Sector-Based Representation: Each industry member contributes to the collective industry representation in the GCRI’s General Assembly. This collective voice ensures that the industry sector's interests are adequately advocated on a global platform.

  • Proxy and Electronic Voting: To accommodate wide participation, industry members may appoint proxies for voting purposes and partake in electronic voting, enabling remote participation in key decision-making processes.

Implementation and Oversight

The ILB, in collaboration with the GCRI's Central Bureau, meticulously manages the implementation of this nuanced membership fee structure and ensures the equitable distribution of voting rights among industry members. Through regular assessments and adaptations to the evolving economic landscape and the needs of the industry community, the ILB fosters an environment of transparency, fairness, and active engagement. This strategic framework not only enables broad-based participation from the industry sector but also enriches the GCRI's mission with valuable insights and contributions, driving global advancements in risk management, security, and sustainability.

Last updated

