The Legacy Leadership Board (LLB) within the Global Center for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) is pivotal in fostering an inclusive, dynamic, and interdisciplinary collaboration framework. By integrating Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) into National Working Groups (NWGs) within the Quintuple Helix (QH) model, the LLB enables a rich synergy among academia, industry, government, civil society, and bioregions. This nexus framework is specifically designed to leverage the collective expertise of all stakeholders to drive innovation and address the complex challenges of risk management, security, privacy, and sustainability.


Membership in the GCRI for CSOs and NGOs represents a profound commitment to multidisciplinary collaboration, aiming to harness the unique strengths and perspectives of civil society in tackling environmental, social, and governance issues.

Membership Process:

  • Submission: CSOs and NGOs interested in joining the GCRI’s collaborative efforts under the LLB are required to submit an application that outlines their organization's mission, areas of expertise, and potential contributions to the GCRI’s objectives. This includes their strategies for enhancing resilience and risk mitigation within communities and ecosystems.

  • Engagement and Alignment: Applications should detail the organization’s capacity for cross-sector engagement and highlight how their initiatives align with GCRI’s goals of promoting sustainable development, risk mitigation, and ethical innovation.

  • Evaluation and Integration: The LLB, with support from the Central Bureau, assesses applications based on stringent criteria to ensure alignment with the GCRI's missions. Successful CSOs and NGOs are then integrated into GCRI’s collaborative platforms, including NWGs, where their contributions can have significant impact.


CSOs and NGOs within NWGs are encouraged to actively engage in various strategic areas, leveraging their unique insights and community connections:

  • Community-Based Risk Management: Developing and implementing community-centric programs that enhance local resilience to environmental and social risks.

  • Sustainability Initiatives: Spearheading projects that promote sustainability practices within communities, contributing to broader environmental preservation efforts.

  • Advocacy and Policy Influence: Utilizing the GCRI platform to advocate for policy changes that align with global sustainability goals, ensuring that civil society perspectives are represented in policy dialogues.

  • Educational Outreach and Awareness: Partnering with academic institutions and industry members to disseminate knowledge on risk mitigation, sustainability, and ethical practices, enhancing public awareness and action.


The LLB, in collaboration with the Central Bureau, oversees the strategic management of CSO and NGO memberships, ensuring that:

  • Applications are Rigorously Reviewed: A multidisciplinary panel assesses the potential impact and alignment of applicant organizations with the GCRI’s strategic objectives.

  • Strategic Placement in NWGs: Organizations are carefully placed in NWGs where their expertise and initiatives can most effectively contribute to the GCRI’s goals.

  • Continuous Monitoring and Support: Benchmarks are established for ongoing evaluation of CSO and NGO contributions, with regular feedback and support provided to maximize their engagement and impact.


The LLB recognizes the financial constraints that many CSOs and NGOs may face and has implemented a flexible membership fee structure:

  • Country-Specific Adjustments: Fees are adjusted based on the economic status of the country where the organization operates, ensuring broad and equitable participation.

  • Fee Waivers and Reductions: Special considerations are made for organizations in regions facing economic challenges, with options for fee waivers or reductions to ensure that financial barriers do not hinder their involvement.

  • Supportive Payment Processes: The GCRI offers a variety of payment options and support for CSOs and NGOs, ensuring that the payment process is not a barrier to participation.


CSOs and NGOs enjoy equal voting rights on matters relevant to their sectors and contributions within the GCRI, ensuring that civil society perspectives are integral to the decision-making process. This includes strategic voting on community engagement initiatives, policy advocacy efforts, and educational programs.


The LLB, supported by the Central Bureau, ensures the effective implementation of this inclusive membership model, fostering active engagement and collaboration among CSOs and NGOs. Through regular reviews and adaptations, the GCRI remains responsive to the evolving needs of civil society partners, empowering them to make significant contributions to global risk mitigation, resilience building, and sustainable development initiatives.

Last updated

