The integration of Bioregional Communities (BRC), encompassing Indigenous Peoples and place-based communities, into the Quintuple Helix (QH) model under the Stewardship Leadership Board (STWLB) signifies a strategic acknowledgment of their crucial role in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem sustainability. Their profound symbiosis with their environments exemplifies a living model of the Nexus Paradigm, which seeks to harmonize the interactions between humanity, nature, and technology for a sustainable future. This document delineates the procedural guidelines for BRC membership, facilitating their vital involvement, representation, and contributions within nexus framework.

Bioregional communities (BRC) encompass a wide array of groups with deep ties to their local environments, cultures, and traditional ways of life. These communities are often characterized by their sustainable practices, traditional ecological knowledge, and profound connection to the land. Below is a list of communities that can be considered BRC, noting that this is not exhaustive and can vary based on regional definitions and self-identification:

  1. Indigenous Peoples: Communities with historical ties to specific regions and who maintain traditional practices and lifestyles. Examples include the Sami people of Scandinavia, the Maori of New Zealand, Native American tribes in the United States, First Nations in Canada, Aboriginal Australians, and the many indigenous tribes of the Amazon Basin.

  2. Local Farming Communities: Small-scale farmers practicing traditional agriculture in harmony with the environment, such as the rice terraces farmers in the Philippines or traditional vineyard keepers in Mediterranean Europe.

  3. Fishing Communities: Groups whose livelihoods primarily depend on fishing following traditional methods, including coastal villages in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and indigenous peoples of the Arctic region.

  4. Pastoral Nomads: Nomadic or semi-nomadic groups who move with their livestock seasonally, such as the Bedouin of the Middle East, the Maasai in East Africa, and the Mongolian pastoralists.

  5. Forest Communities: Communities living in or near forests who rely on traditional forest products for their livelihoods, such as the Pygmy peoples of Central Africa, the Yanomami in the Amazon, and the Orang Asli of Malaysia.

  6. Mountain Communities: Peoples living in high-altitude regions with unique cultures and traditions adapted to mountainous terrains, like the Sherpa of the Himalayas and the Quechua and Aymara of the Andes.

  7. Island Communities: Small island populations with distinct cultures and practices, including those in the Caribbean, the South Pacific islands, and the indigenous groups in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

  8. Desert Communities: Peoples adapted to living in arid environments, such as the Tuareg in the Sahara and the Pueblo peoples of the American Southwest.

  9. Wetlands Communities: Groups living in wetlands regions who have traditional knowledge of water management, like the Marsh Arabs of Iraq and communities in the Okavango Delta.

  10. Cultural Landscape Communities: Communities that have shaped their environment over centuries, creating unique cultural landscapes, such as the vineyard keepers in the Douro Valley and the tea planters of the Sri Lankan highlands.

Each of these communities contributes unique knowledge and practices to the stewardship of their bioregions, making them invaluable partners in the pursuit of sustainable development and environmental conservation. Recognizing and integrating the voices and wisdom of BRC into global sustainability efforts is crucial for achieving a balanced and inclusive approach to managing the planet's resources.


  • Eligibility Criteria: Membership is open to BRCs demonstrating a profound ecological connection and a commitment to the custodianship of their natural resources, underpinned by sustainable practices and traditional ecological wisdom.

  • Application Process: Interested BRCs are invited to submit comprehensive proposals illustrating their ecological stewardship, traditional knowledge systems, sustainability initiatives, and alignment with the Nexus Paradigm’s objectives. Proposals should identify potential collaborative domains within the QH ecosystem.

  • Documentation Required: Submissions must encompass historical records of environmental guardianship, formal recognitions of land rights, and overviews of ongoing or proposed conservation and development projects.


  • Interdisciplinary Projects: BRCs are encouraged to participate in cross-sectoral projects with academia, industry, government, and civil society partners. These projects aim to weave traditional knowledge with scientific innovation in sustainability, conservation, and technological applications for ecological stewardship.

  • Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange: Tailored programs will be developed to enhance BRCs' capacities to interface with contemporary scientific and technological advancements. Simultaneously, platforms for sharing traditional ecological knowledge will facilitate mutual learning among all QH stakeholders.


  • Operational Support: The STWLB, alongside the Central Bureau, commits to providing comprehensive support to BRC members, ensuring barrier-free participation in QH initiatives through logistical, linguistic, and technological assistance.

  • Cultural Sensitivity Training: Mandatory sensitivity training will be provided to all QH members, promoting respect for BRC traditions, understanding the significance of their lands and resources, and ensuring culturally informed collaborations.


  • Flexible Fee System: A sliding scale fee structure, sensitive to the economic diversity of BRCs, will be implemented by STWLB for each country. This system will consider each community's economic circumstances, providing fee reductions or waivers as necessary.

  • Contributions In-Kind: BRCs may also contribute through non-monetary means, such as sharing local knowledge, research participation, or other resources beneficial to the collective QH endeavors.


  • Equal Representation: BRC members are assured equal voting rights on pertinent issues, empowering them to shape policies, projects, and strategic directions within the QH framework.

  • Collective Decision-Making: Reflecting the communal ethos of BRC societies, a collective decision-making process will be adopted, respecting traditional governance structures and consensus-building practices.


  • Regular Reviews: The STWLB will conduct periodic evaluations of BRC engagement in QH projects to safeguard their rights, validate their contributions, and address their needs proactively.

  • Feedback Mechanism: An open feedback channel will be established, allowing BRCs to voice concerns, offer suggestions, and report the impacts of QH activities on their communities.

  • Impact Assessment: All initiatives involving BRCs will undergo thorough impact analyses to ascertain their contributions towards community sustainability goals and ensure no adverse effects on their lands, cultures, or practices.

Last updated

