The Global Center for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) is strategically positioned to pioneer advancements in risk management, security, safety, and sustainable innovation through its Quintuple Helix (QH) collaboration model. This model unites academia, industry, government, civil society organizations/non-governmental organizations (CSOs/NGOs), and bioregions in a unique ecosystem of innovation and problem-solving. Critical to this mission are the Regional Stewardship Boards (RSBs) and the Stewardship Leadership Board (STWLB), whose roles and responsibilities are expanded below to encapsulate the essence of strategic alignment, oversight, and the facilitation of QH membership across diverse geographical landscapes.


1. Strategic Regional Alignment: RSBs are tasked with ensuring that the strategic initiatives and projects of National Councils (NCs) and National Working Groups (NWGs) within their jurisdictions align with both the global objectives of the GCRI and the specific needs and challenges of their regions. This involves synthesizing global priorities with local insights to create impactful, region-specific initiatives.

2. Membership Management and Growth: RSBs manage the comprehensive process of membership applications and renewals for NWGs, ensuring adherence to GCRI’s standards. This includes proactive outreach to potential members who represent the QH framework, thereby fostering a vibrant, multidisciplinary community committed to GCRI's vision. RSBs also implement strategies for membership retention and engagement, nurturing a sense of belonging and active participation among members.

3. Support Systems for NWGs: Beyond coordination, RSBs provide a robust support system for NWGs, offering resources, tools, and platforms to facilitate effective communication and collaboration. This includes access to GCRI’s digital collaboration spaces, knowledge repositories, and guidance on best practices for project management and stakeholder engagement.

4. Ethical Compliance and Integrity Monitoring: RSBs uphold and monitor ethical standards within NWGs, ensuring activities and collaborations adhere to the GCRI’s code of ethics and by-laws. This role involves conducting regular reviews and audits, providing training and resources on ethical practices, and addressing any violations with appropriate measures.


1. Establishing and Guiding National Councils and Working Groups: The STWLB plays a foundational role in establishing NCs and NWGs, carefully selecting members from each quintuple helix sector to ensure diverse, representative, and competent groups. The board provides ongoing strategic guidance to these groups, aligning their efforts with GCRI’s overarching goals and encouraging innovative approaches to tackle complex issues.

2. Strategic Oversight and Quality Assurance: The STWLB implements a rigorous framework for overseeing the strategic execution and quality of the outputs from NCs and NWGs. This involves setting benchmarks for success, facilitating external reviews, and ensuring that the contributions from these groups significantly advance the GCRI’s mission.

3. Enhancing Collaboration Across the QH Spectrum: By orchestrating collaboration among SLB chairs, the STWLB promotes the integration of insights across the QH sectors, ensuring that the development of standards, policies, and innovations benefits from a comprehensive, multidisciplinary perspective. This approach not only enriches the GCRI’s initiatives but also fosters a culture of open innovation and shared learning.

4. Membership Strategy Development: The STWLB is responsible for crafting a strategic approach to QH membership, focusing on expanding the GCRI’s reach and influence within specific countries and regions. This includes identifying key sectors and regions for growth, developing value propositions for different QH sectors, and ensuring equitable representation and participation within the GCRI’s governance and project initiatives.

5. Conflict Resolution Framework: Acknowledging the potential for disagreements within such a diverse organization, the STWLB provides a structured framework for conflict resolution. This ensures that disputes are addressed promptly and fairly, maintaining the integrity and cohesion of the GCRI community.

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