

This document concerns "The Global Center for Risk and Innovation", also known as "GCRI" and/or "the Center".


The primary operations and administrative office of the Center are situated in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


3.1. The Global Center for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) aspires to establish itself as a global leader in the disciplines of risk management, security, safety, and innovation. Operating as an international non-profit research and innovation institute, GCRI's mission spans the execution of groundbreaking research in risk evaluation and mitigation, cutting-edge technologies for risk management, security, safety and privacy, resilience and sustainable growth. The Center's initiatives are aimed at enhancing international frameworks and standards in risk management across a diverse array of industries and sectors.

GCRI is committed to providing the tools, capabilities, and collaborative platforms necessary to tackle complex environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges. At the heart of its strategic approach is a focus on participatory mechanisms for developing normative frameworks and setting standards. This includes facilitating accelerated public engagement in the GCRI's research, development, and policy programs, ensuring that the process of standard development is inclusive, transparent, and reflective of a broad range of QH stakeholder perspectives.

Through fostering an environment of open collaboration and public participation, GCRI aims to drive innovation in the setting of standards and development of normative frameworks, contributing to the establishment of safer, more secure, and sustainable practices worldwide. The Center's dedication to integrating diverse public inputs into the core of its standard development efforts highlights its commitment to not only advancing technological and procedural standards but also ensuring these standards are democratically informed and globally applicable.

  • 3.2. Strategies

    • Open Dialogue: Creating a worldwide forum for open and inclusive discussions on current risk management, security, safety and sustainable innovation issues.

    • Educational and Scientific Initiatives: Hosting educational events such as seminars, workshops, and conferences to spread the latest findings and solutions in risk management and innovation.

    • Collaborative Engagements: Facilitating GCRI Sessions and Midterm Meetings as opportunities for collaboration, networking, and idea exchange among experts, academics, and decision-makers.

    • Technological Advancements: Spearheading the development of open-source tools and technologies for global risk reduction, including state-of-the-art compliance, conformity, risks, and impact assessment infrastructures.

    • Normative Development: Crafting participatory methods for creating standards and normative frameworks in risk management and global governance, with a focus on inclusive and equitable stakeholder involvement.

    • Research and Publications: Generating and disseminating groundbreaking research and analyses on risk management, integrating advanced identifiers to promote recognition and access in accordance with CASCO standards.

    • Global Governance Innovations: Proposing and supporting innovative, cooperative solutions at the global governance level to tackle complex issues.

    • Standards Collaboration: Collaborating with international standards organizations, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), and national accreditation agencies, to enhance and develop standards.

  • 3.3. Funding Sources

    • Membership Fees or Dues: The Global Center for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) collects membership fees or dues from its members, which serve as a foundational financial pillar. These contributions reflect the members' dedication to supporting the Center's vision and mission, providing a stable base of income that fuels day-to-day operations and strategic initiatives.

    • Fundraising Campaigns: GCRI organizes targeted fundraising campaigns to gather additional resources. These campaigns are designed to engage the community, raise awareness about the Center's work, and secure financial support for specific projects or general operational needs.

    • Funds from Other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Collaborations and partnerships with other NGOs provide a vital source of funding. These alliances are often based on shared goals and interests, leading to mutual support that includes financial contributions for joint initiatives or projects.

    • Fees for Education and Training Services: The GCRI offers a wide array of educational programs and training services. Revenue from these offerings supports the Center's educational mission and allows it to invest in the development of new programs and resources.

    • Fees for Providing Consulting or Research Services: The Center leverages its expertise by offering consulting and research services to both public and private sector entities. These services generate income that helps fund the GCRI's research activities and innovation projects.

    • Product Sales and Business Services: GCRI generates revenue through the sale of products and the provision of business services. This includes publications, software licenses, access to cloud servers, and the use of virtual spaces, as well as integrated solutions involving AI, quantum computing, IoT, security, safety, and sustainability technologies.

    • Donations and Grants from Domestic Sources: Financial support from individuals, corporations, and foundations within the country forms a crucial part of GCRI's funding structure. These domestic donations and grants support the Center's core activities and special projects.

    • Foreign and International Grants: GCRI receives grants from foreign and international sources, including international NGOs, governments, and global foundations. These grants are essential for funding the Center's international collaborations and expanding its global impact.

    • Grants from Governments: Government grants provide significant funding for the GCRI's research and development projects. This support often targets specific areas of public interest, such as technological innovation, security, environmental sustainability, and risk management, helping the Center to align its projects with national and international priorities.


  • 4.1. Composition: The GCRI QH membership includes National Working Groups (NWGs) encompassing a broad spectrum of Quintuple Helix (QH) stakeholders from various countries, organizations, and individuals dedicated to the fields of risk management, security, safety and sustainable innovation.

  • 4.2. Engagement and Contribution: Members engage in the GCRI initiatives, enhancing the collective pool of knowledge, research, and innovative solutions. This inclusive approach ensures the Center's outputs benefit from diverse insights and expertise.

  • 4.3. Commitment to Standards: Membership in the GCRI signifies a commitment to abide by its Statutes, By-laws, and Code of Ethics, emphasizing the importance of integrity, professionalism, and cooperation among its community.

  • 4.4. Rights and Responsibilities: Details on the rights and responsibilities specific to the various member categories will be outlined by RSBs for each country as a seperate document in addition to the GCRI’s By-laws, providing clear expectations and guidance for all members and ensuring organizational cohesion.

  • 4.5. National Working Groups

    • 4.5.1. Establishment Criteria: Organizations interested in the GCRI's mission can apply to form an NWG, with each country allowed one NWG for unified representation in the Center's global framework.

    • 4.5.2. Inclusion Criteria: NWGs can include organizations from non-independent economies if there's consensus among existing NWGs with jurisdictional claims and a clear need for separate representation.

    • 4.5.3. Application Process: Applications for NWG membership must be submitted to the Central Bureau with necessary evidence, reviewed by Regional Stewardship Boards (RSB) and National Councils, and ultimately approved by the General Assembly.

    • 4.5.4. Withdrawal Procedure: NWGs wishing to withdraw must notify the Central Bureau by June 30th for the resignation to take effect on December 31st of the same year, ensuring smooth administrative handling.

    • 4.5.5. Expulsion Conditions: An NWG may be expelled for violations of the Statutes, By-laws, or Code of Ethics, or for other severe breaches of membership duties, safeguarding the GCRI's standards and operational integrity.

    • 4.5.6. Suspension for Non-payment: If a National Working Group (NWG) does not pay its membership dues for two years, the GSB can suspend its membership until the dues are paid. During suspension, the NWG cannot participate in votes but must still fulfill its membership obligations. GSB representatives from the suspended NWG also lose their voting rights. Specifics about the suspension process are detailed in the By-laws.

    • 4.5.7. Engagement and Decision-making: NWGs have the right to participate in the GCRI's technical activities and hold voting rights on technical, administrative, and policy decisions, ensuring they contribute to the strategic direction and operational priorities of the GCRI.


  • 5.1. Operational Periods and Meetings

    • 5.1.1. Term Organization: The GCRI's activities are organized into two-year Terms, starting after a GCRI Session and ending at the subsequent Session. This structure provides a consistent timeframe for planning and evaluating the GCRI's initiatives.

    • 5.1.2. Sessions: These plenary events mark the culmination of a Term's activities, involving all GCRI members and organizational units. Sessions are pivotal for reviewing past achievements and planning future endeavors.

    • 5.1.3. Midterm Meetings: Held midway through a Term, these meetings allow for progress assessment and strategic adjustments, ensuring the GCRI's objectives are met efficiently and effectively.

  • 5.2. Organizational Composition

    • General Assembly: The principal decision-making entity, consisting of all members, guiding the strategic and major operational decisions.

    • Board of Trustees: Governs the GCRI between General Assembly sessions, executing strategies and overseeing strategic operations.

    • Global Stewardship Board: Led by the GCRI President, this group addresses strategic, policy, and leadership concerns at the highest level.

    • Specialized Boards: Manage the technical aspects of the GCRI's work, ensuring coordination among technical committees and the relevance and quality of projects.

    • Divisions and Technical Committees: Focus on particular areas of interest within risk management and innovation, conducting detailed work to advance the GCRI's mission.

    • Central Bureau: Acts as the administrative hub, managing daily operations and aligning efforts with the GCRI's goals and objectives.

  • 5.3. General Assembly: NWGs' Collective Voice

    • 5.3.1. Representation and Voting Dynamics: The General Assembly, as the apex decision-making body of the GCRI, consists of chairs from each Regional Stewardship Boards (RSBs) and members of National Working Group (NWG) or their appointed proxies, embodying the organization's commitment to equal representation. With each NWG holding a singular vote, the Assembly embodies a democratic framework for decision-making, ensuring that each member's voice contributes to the collective direction.

    • 5.3.2. Oversight and Strategic Direction: NWGs bear the ultimate responsibility for guiding the GCRI's strategy, financial health, and operational priorities. These groups play a critical role in shaping the organization's trajectory, entrusting the GSB with the execution of day-to-day operations under the governance framework established by the GCRI's foundational documents.

    • 5.3.3. Advisory Role: The General Assembly's role extends beyond oversight, providing a platform for consultation and advice, thereby supporting the GSB in navigating the complexities of managing the GCRI's wide-ranging initiatives. This consultative mechanism enriches the organization's strategic planning with diverse perspectives and expert insights.

  • 5.4. Convening and Conducting Assemblies

    • 5.4.1. Venue Selection: The choice of venues for the General Assembly's meetings, including the pivotal GCRI Sessions and Midterm Meetings, is strategically determined by the Assembly itself. This decision-making process considers the global distribution of its members, aiming to maximize accessibility and participation across the organization's international network.

    • 5.4.2. Scheduling and Formats: The Assembly meets regularly during the scheduled Sessions and Midterm Meetings, with provisions for additional gatherings as necessitated by the GSB or by the collective request of a significant minority of members. To accommodate the global dispersion of its members, the Assembly adopts flexible meeting formats, including in-person, virtual, and hybrid models, ensuring robust participation regardless of geographic constraints.

    • 5.4.3. Meeting Procedures and Participation: Presided over by the GCRI President, General Assembly meetings are exclusive to the organization's membership, maintaining a focused and strategic dialogue environment. Voting members may include advisors in a non-voting capacity, while key figures from the Management Boards participate to facilitate a thorough discourse on the GCRI's strategic direction, reflecting a holistic approach to governance and operational excellence.

    • 5.4.4. Quorum and Meeting Validity: For the General Assembly to officially conduct business, a quorum consisting of at least half of all National Working Groups (NWGs) must be present or represented at the meeting's onset. In cases where the quorum is not met initially, a second attempt is scheduled 30 minutes later, which will proceed regardless of attendance levels. This rule ensures that the GCRI's operations are not hindered by attendance issues, allowing decisions to be made in a timely manner.

    • 5.4.5. Circular Resolution Process: To maintain agility in its decision-making processes, the General Assembly can enact decisions through circular resolutions, such as electronic voting, outside of traditional meetings. This method is subject to checks and balances, notably that if objections are raised by more than one-tenth of the voting constituency, the resolution must be tabled for discussion and vote at an official General Assembly session. This mechanism upholds the principle of democratic engagement and consensus-building among members.

    • 5.4.6. Decisions of Paramount Importance: The General Assembly's consent is indispensable for major decisions impacting the GCRI's governance and strategic direction, including:

      • The admission or expulsion of NWGs;

      • Modifications to the GCRI's Statutes;

      • Policies related to membership fees;

      • Defining the number and mandate of Divisions;

      • Deciding on the affairs of the Central Bureau.

    • 5.4.7. Voting Majorities for Critical Resolutions: Resolutions within the General Assembly are generally adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast. However, for resolutions that entail changes to the Statutes, the admission or expulsion of members, adjustments in membership dues policies, or the dissolution of the GCRI, a two-thirds majority vote is required. It's crucial to note that abstentions are not considered in the vote tally, highlighting the value of active engagement and clear decision-making among members. This voting structure is designed to balance the need for decisive action with the imperative of substantial consensus on significant matters.

    • 5.4.8. Decision-making in Case of Ties: In situations where votes within the General Assembly result in a tie, resolutions that require a simple majority for approval are automatically considered to be rejected. This principle applies equally to more stringent voting requirements; for instance, resolutions that necessitate a two-thirds majority for passage are not approved if at least one-third of the cast votes oppose the resolution. This rule ensures that decisions are made with clear majority support, maintaining clarity and decisiveness in the GCRI's governance processes.

    • 5.4.9. Proxy Voting Mechanisms: To accommodate the diverse and global nature of its membership, the General Assembly allows members to delegate their voting rights to another voting member or a member of the GSB through a written proxy. This flexibility ensures that all members have the opportunity to contribute to decision-making, even if they cannot be physically present.

    • 5.4.10. Preparation and Notification for Resolutions: For a resolution to be considered during a General Assembly meeting, it must be explicitly included on the agenda, which is distributed to NWGs at least two months in advance. This procedure guarantees that members have sufficient time to review, deliberate upon, and prepare for meaningful participation in the decision-making process.

    • 5.4.11. Circular Resolution Formalities: The GCRI embraces modern communication methods for circular resolutions, utilizing mail, email, online platforms, or other suitable technologies to facilitate voting. To ensure the legitimacy of decisions made through this process, a two-thirds majority of valid votes from participating NWG is required for a resolution to pass. The counting of votes excludes abstentions and is based on responses received within a two-month period after the resolution's issuance by the Central Bureau.

    • 5.4.12. Leadership and Accountability: The election of the Trustees by the General Assembly underscores the democratic principles underpinning the GCRI's structure. The provision for the dismissal of GSB members at any point reflects a commitment to accountability and the ability to respond to the evolving needs and expectations of the organization's membership.

    • 5.4.13. Dispute Resolution: The General Assembly serves as the highest authority for resolving disputes within the GCRI, ensuring that conflicts, especially those pertaining to membership issues, are settled with finality within the organizational framework. This centralized approach to conflict resolution underscores the importance of unity and cohesion in achieving the GCRI's objectives.

    • 5.4.14. Organizing Meetings: The responsibility for calling both regular and extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly lies with the GSB. Notices for these meetings are sent out at least three months in advance, using the most recent contact information provided by each member. This practice ensures effective communication and maximizes member participation in the governance and strategic direction of the GCRI.

    • 5.4.15. Inclusion of Observers in Meetings: The General Assembly recognizes the importance of inclusivity by allowing representatives from Advisors, Associate, Affiliates, or Supportive Members to attend meetings as observers. While these observers do not have voting rights, their presence facilitates a transparent dialogue, enabling them to remain informed about the GCRI's directions and activities. This arrangement ensures a broad engagement across the GCRI's membership spectrum, fostering an environment of openness and shared knowledge.

  • 5.5. Global Stewardship Board (GSB)

    • 5.5.1. Diverse and Representative Composition: The GSB, with its 20 members, represents a cross-section of the GCRI's diverse community, including the President, CEO, Vice-Presidents with distinct responsibilities, Chairs, and other elected officials. This composition reflects the GCRI's commitment to diversity in expertise, geography, and gender aiming to embody the comprehensive scope and inclusive ethos of the organization.

    • 5.5.2. Strategic and Operational Leadership: The Board's responsibilities are broad and pivotal, encompassing strategic direction, adherence to the GCRI's mission, policy development, Division oversight, deliberation, delegation, strategy endorsement, performance evaluation, and outreach. These duties underscore the Board's role in steering the GCRI towards its objectives, ensuring operational alignment with its foundational values, and promoting excellence in risk management and innovation.

    • 5.5.3. Regular and Ad Hoc Meetings: Meeting quarterly, the GSB's gatherings can be adapted to various formats to accommodate the global nature of its composition and activities. The President's role in convening additional meetings upon request ensures responsiveness and flexibility in governance, supported by structured agendas prepared and distributed by the Central Bureau.

    • 5.5.4. Consensus-Based Decision Making: The GSB prioritizes a consensus-based decision-making process to ensure that actions reflect the collective agreement of its members. Discussions are facilitated to allow all voices to be heard, with the aim of reaching a decision that all members can support or at least not oppose. This approach fosters a collaborative environment and ensures that decisions are well-rounded and inclusive.In instances where consensus cannot be reached, the GSB employs a majority-based decision-making process. Decisions are made through a simple majority vote among present members, with a quorum requirement set at half the Board's membership. This ensures that the GSB can continue to operate efficiently and make necessary decisions in a timely manner. The use of majority voting is a fallback mechanism to maintain governance effectiveness when rapid decisions are required.

    • 5.5.6. Circular Resolutions for Continuous Governance: To enhance flexibility and responsiveness, the GSB can pass resolutions outside formal meetings through circular resolutions. This approach allows for continuous governance and quick decision-making when urgent issues arise. Mechanisms are in place to revert to traditional meetings if objections are raised, ensuring that the consensus-based approach remains the primary method of decision-making. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining the GCRI's operational agility.

    • 5.5.6. Enhanced Majority for Key Decisions: For decisions of substantial impact, such as proposing initiatives to the General Assembly, amending By-laws, changing policies, or entering into organizational agreements, a heightened majority requirement is in place. These key decisions require broad support and deliberate consideration, reflecting their importance in shaping the GCRI's trajectory and its relationships with external entities. The rigorous standard for critical decisions ensures that such actions are taken with comprehensive backing and thorough deliberation, upholding the integrity and strategic direction of the organization.

    • 5.5.7. Initiative for Specialized Groups: The authority of the GSB to form Task Groups, Committees, and Standing Panels is pivotal in addressing the dynamic and specific challenges or opportunities facing the GCRI. By setting clear objectives, composition, and operational guidelines for these groups, the Board ensures targeted and efficient responses to areas requiring specialized knowledge or focus. The inclusion of external experts as advisors further amplifies the effectiveness of these groups, integrating broader expertise and perspectives into the GCRI's problem-solving and innovation efforts.

  • 5.6. Presidential Leadership and Representation

    • 5.6.1. Presidential Transition and Continuity: The structured election and tenure system for the President—from President-Elect to President, and then Past-President—ensures both leadership continuity and the infusion of fresh perspectives at the helm of the GCRI. This phased approach facilitates the smooth handover of responsibilities, capitalizes on the expertise of outgoing leadership, and maintains organizational memory and stability.

    • 5.6.2. Presidential Duties and Delegation: As the chair of key meetings and official sessions, the President plays a central role in guiding the GCRI's strategic discussions and ensuring the coherence of its governance processes. The provision for delegation of presiding duties, either by the President or through a GSB decision, guarantees leadership presence and effective governance across all GCRI functions, even in the President's absence.

    • 5.6.3. Public Face and Spokesperson of the GCRI: The President's role as the primary spokesperson, along with the CEO, positions them as key ambassadors for the GCRI, responsible for articulating the organization's mission and achievements to the world. The flexibility to delegate representational duties ensures that the GCRI can maintain a relevant and effective presence across a variety of platforms and events, tailoring its message to different audiences and contexts. This strategic approach to representation enhances the GCRI's visibility, impact, and engagement with its global stakeholders.

    • 5.6.4. Leadership Continuity in Case of Presidential Vacancy: To ensure uninterrupted governance, the GSB is tasked with nominating a replacement from among its elected members when a presidential vacancy occurs. This interim appointment, pending General Assembly approval, underscores the GCRI's commitment to maintaining steady leadership and operational continuity even in unforeseen circumstances.

  • 5.7. GSB Membership Dynamics

    • 5.7.1. Proactive Election and Transition: The members of the GSB shall be elected at least 3 months before the beginning of the next Term by the RSBs and take office at the beginning of that term. The proactive election of GSB members by RSBs well before the commencement of their term facilitates a seamless transition, allowing ample time for orientation and strategic planning. This foresight in governance ensures that the board remains effective and prepared for its responsibilities.

    • 5.7.2. Maintaining Board Integrity through Replacements: The mechanism for replacing GSB members in the event of resignation, inactivity, or death ensures that the board's functional capacity and governance strength remain uncompromised. This process, endorsed by the NWGs, reflects a balance between autonomy within the GSB and accountability to the broader GCRI membership.

    • 5.7.3. Encouraging Renewal and Continuity: Members of the GSB are eligible for re-election but may only serve for two consecutive terms in the same position. An individual may serve on the GSB for a maximum of four terms in total. Limiting GSB members to two consecutive terms in the same role, with an overall cap on tenure, strikes a balance between injecting fresh insights and preserving institutional knowledge. This term limit policy fosters both innovation and continuity within the board's leadership.

  • 5.8. GSB's Strategic and Executive Bridge

    • 5.8.1. Strategic Composition and Leadership: The GSB, with its diverse leadership composition, serves as the nexus between the GCRI's strategic direction and its day-to-day operations. This structure ensures that all levels of leadership are aligned and focused on the GCRI's mission.

    • 5.8.2. Integrating Strategy with Execution: By overseeing the coordination between strategic goals and operational tasks, the GSB ensures that the GCRI's initiatives are both ambitious and achievable, reinforcing the organization's objectives through effective management and oversight.

  • 5.9. Specialized Leadership Boards

    • 5.9.1. Leadership Composition: The SLBs comprising key strategic, industry, academic and standards leaders, embody the GCRI's commitment to excellence and innovation in its technical work, ensuring strategic alignment across all research, technical and development endeavors. SLBs oversee technical Management Board consisting of the Division Directors and Central Bureau Committees. All members of the GSB shall be authorized to participate as observers

    • 5.9.2. Technical Oversight and Quality Assurance: The SLBs' responsibilities in guiding the GCRI's technical efforts underscore the importance of maintaining high standards in research, publication, and development, fostering an environment of excellence and relevance in risk management, security, safety, sustainability, and innovation. The SLBs shall coordinate the technical work of the GCRI, including:

      • The approval of the creation or disbanding of Technical Committees;

      • The approval of the appointment of chairs of NWGs, RSBs, and Technical Committees;

      • The approval of technical publications, engagement and policies

      • Recommending conferences and events to the GSB for approval

    • 5.9.3. Ensuring Accountability and Transparency: Regular reporting from the SLBs to the GSB enhances the transparency of the GCRI's technical operations, allowing for strategic adjustments and fostering a culture of accountability within the organization.

    • 5.9.4. Fair and Transparent Appeals Process: The SLBs shall report to the GSB in accordance with procedures defined by the GSB and RSBs. Any member may appeal to the GSB on a decision of the SLB with appropriate justification. The established appeals procedure offers a clear pathway for members to voice concerns or challenges to SLBs' decisions, with the GSB serving as the final arbiter having the authority to approve any revisions of the appeals procedures proposed by SLBs. This process ensures that member inputs are valued and considered in the GCRI's governance framework.

    • 5.9.5. Leadership Presence and Decision-making: The SLBs shall meet in person, online, or combined in-person and online quarterly during a year. If a member is unable to attend, they shall appoint a replacement from their Division or Committees. The SLBs' meeting frequency and the provision for Division Director representation ensure that the GCRI's technical leadership remains engaged and decisive, facilitating the continuous advancement of the organization's technical objectives.

  • 5.10. Management Divisions and Operations

    • 5.10.1. Focused Leadership within Divisions: The GCRI's technical missions are pursued through its Divisions, each led by a Division Director and supported by Executive Leadership team. This organizational framework is designed to cultivate specialized expertise and foster collaborative efforts in addressing the GCRI's wide-ranging technical goals under SLBs oversight.

    • 5.10.2. Strategic Appointment of Division Directors: The appointment of Division Directors by the Central Bureau is strategically timed and considers a diverse expertise and representation from the NWGs and RSBs. Starting their term with the new GCRI Session ensures that Division leadership is aligned with the organization's overarching strategic and operational timelines.

    • 5.10.3. Standardizing Division Operations: The Code of Procedure ratified by the GSB establishes uniform operational protocols for the Divisions, guiding their contributions to the GCRI's technical objectives. This codification of procedures guarantees consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness in the Divisions' work. The detailed procedures for the operation of Divisions and for the technical work of the GCRI shall be established in the Code of Procedure, which is approved by the GSB.

  • 5.11. Chief Executive Officer

    • 5.11.1. Leadership Appointment and Flexibility: The CEO is appointed by Trustees based on a recommendation of GSB, serving an indefinite term to provide stable and adaptive executive leadership. This flexible term allows the GCRI to respond to changing leadership needs and strategic priorities over time.

    • 5.11.2. Integration with the GSB: As a key executive figure, the CEO participates in GSB meetings as a non-voting member and chairs Stewardship Committee (management) of RSBs, offering critical insights and administrative perspectives that bridge the organization's strategic governance with its executive management operations.

    • 5.11.3. Executive Responsibilities and Authority: The CEO is responsible for executing the strategies and directives issued by the General Assembly and the GSB. Managing the Central Bureau, the CEO oversees technical Divisions, personnel decisions, resource distribution, research, development and the operational budget, ensuring the GCRI operates efficiently and remains focused on achieving its mission. This role is central to the GCRI's ability to maintain its strategic direction, operational integrity, and commitment to its foundational goals.

  • 5.12. Central Bureau as the Operational Core

    • Strategic Positioning and Mission: The Central Bureau, integral to the GCRI, is strategically located in Toronto, Ontario, serving as the operational and strategic heart of the organization. It unites GCRI's core research and development team, publications division, and technical infrastructure, making it the hub of the institution's activities.

    • Location Advantage: Nestled in the vibrant city of Toronto, the Central Bureau benefits from the city's rich multicultural tapestry and its status as one of Canada's leading hubs for innovation, finance, and cultural diversity. This unique setting fosters unparalleled networking opportunities, access to a diverse talent pool, and collaboration with a wide range of sectors, aligning with GCRI's global outreach.

    • Operational Nucleus: As the command center for coordinating GCRI's extensive portfolio of projects and initiatives, the Bureau ensures every project aligns with the organization's overarching goals, leveraging Canada's dynamic ecosystem for enhanced innovation and impact.

    • Expert Staff and Leadership: Staffed with experts and led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Bureau excels in managing GCRI's varied activities, benefitting from Toronto's world-class educational institutions and research facilities to recruit top talent and foster leadership in global innovation.

    • Innovation and Research: The presence of state-of-the-art digital infrastructure and advanced computing resources within the Bureau, coupled with Toronto's reputation as a center for technological advancement, reinforces GCRI's commitment to leading-edge research and development.

    • Publications and Dissemination: The publications division plays a vital role in articulating and broadcasting GCRI's contributions worldwide, with Toronto's global connectivity and multicultural audience serving as a significant amplifier for the organization's reach and influence.

    • Compliance and Governance: Adhering to Canadian nonprofit law and UN protocols, the Bureau's operations in Toronto are not only in strict compliance with legal standards but also benefit from Canada's strong governance frameworks and international relations, underscoring GCRI's dedication to accountability and ethical conduct.

    • Global Reach and Community Building: Toronto's diverse and inclusive environment, combined with its strategic importance in global networks, enables the Bureau to leverage transnational communities for innovative collaborations, embodying GCRI's dedication to diversity, innovation, and global partnership.


  • 6.1. Membership Fee Contributions: Membership fees from NWGs form a foundational aspect of the GCRI's financial model. These fees, determined by the General Assembly, and ratified by RSBs on country basis are vital for sustaining the organization's operations, supporting its initiatives, and enabling its strategic ambitions.

  • 6.2. Supportive Member Contributions: Supportive Members, by contributing an annual fee established by the GSB, play a significant role in enhancing the GCRI's capacity to pursue its objectives. This inclusive fee structure broadens the GCRI's financial base and facilitates its engagement across various sectors.

  • 6.3. Transparent Financial Management: The GCRI upholds a commitment to transparency and accountability by maintaining detailed records of its financial dealings. GCRI's comprehensive documentation covers all aspects of the organization's financial status, ensuring integrity and trustworthiness in its financial management practices.

  • 6.4. Strategic Fund Oversight: The GSB is responsible for the administration of the funds of the GCRI. The GSB delegates the execution of the administration of the all expenditures to the Central Bureau under CEO's responsibilities. The GSB's strategic oversight of the GCRI's finances, coupled with the CEO's management of daily financial tasks and expenditures, ensures a balanced approach to financial administration. This structure supports efficient and effective fund management, aligning with the GCRI's operational needs and strategic goals.

  • 6.5. Treasurer's Financial Oversight: The Treasurer's involvement in financial planning, management, and reporting is crucial for maintaining the GCRI's fiscal health. This role is instrumental in ensuring that the organization's financial strategies are robust, sustainable, and aligned with its long-term objectives.

  • 6.6. Comprehensive Financial Reporting: The responsibility of the CEO to prepare and present financial reports underscores the organization's commitment to financial clarity. These reports must offer an accurate and transparent account of the GCRI's financial situation, ensuring that stakeholders are well-informed about its financial performance and resource management.

  • 6.7. Rigorous Internal Auditing: The appointment of internal auditors by the NWGs to conduct annual financial audits reflects the GCRI's dedication to financial integrity. These audits, conducted within a strict timeframe, assess the appropriateness of the GCRI's financial practices and compliance with statutory requirements, reinforcing the organization's accountability and trustworthiness.

  • 6.8. Independent External Auditing: To further ensure the integrity and accuracy of its financial records, the GCRI mandates an external audit for the financial year preceding the end of each term. This external audit serves as a critical mechanism for providing independent verification of the GCRI's financial activities, reinforcing the organization's commitment to transparency and accountability in its financial management practices.

  • 6.9. Treasurer's Critical Financial Oversight: The Treasurer's role extends to a thorough review of financial reports and budget proposals, acting as a bridge between the detailed financial management carried out by the CEO and the strategic oversight provided by the GSB and the RSBs. By presenting these financial documents and providing insights on the audited reports, the Treasurer ensures that all levels of governance within the GCRI are well-informed and engaged in the financial decision-making process.

  • 6.10. Democratic Budgeting Process: The budget approval procedure, which involves endorsement by the GSB followed by approval from the RSBs, exemplifies the GCRI's commitment to democratic and accountable financial planning. This structured approach allows for comprehensive stakeholder involvement in shaping the organization's financial roadmap.

  • 6.11. Balanced Legal Representation: The specification that the GCRI can be legally represented by a combination of its key officials underscores the importance of shared responsibility and checks in legal affairs. This collective approach to legal representation ensures that significant decisions reflect a broad consensus and are made in the organization's best interest.

  • 6.12. Financial Management and Signatory Authority: The GSB's discretion in assigning in junction with the CEO as signatory authority for the GCRI's bank accounts introduces necessary flexibility in financial operations while establishing safeguards through the possibility of requiring joint signatories. This policy balances operational efficiency with the need for financial security and oversight.


  • 7.1. GCRI Session Proceedings: By publishing the proceedings from its sessions, the GCRI ensures that the insights, discussions, and technical advancements achieved within its Divisions are accessible to the wider community. This practice supports the GCRI's mission to foster innovation and collaboration in risk management and innovation fields.

  • 7.2. Publication of Technical Documents and Standards: The process for publishing technical documents, including pivotal "Nexus Standards," reflects the GCRI's rigorous approach to developing and disseminating technical knowledge and standards. The requirement for approvals from both the SLBs and the NGWs for certain publications ensures that these documents meet the highest standards of relevance, accuracy, and usefulness. Other publications, necessitating only SLB approval, allow the GCRI to efficiently share valuable technical insights and advancements with its stakeholders and the broader community.


  • 8.1. Adoption of Multilingual Practices: The designation of English, French, and German as the official languages, with English as the primary working language, underscores the GCRI's commitment to inclusivity and global engagement. Publishing GCRI policies in all official languages ensures that information is accessible to a diverse audience, facilitating broader understanding and participation in the GCRI's activities.

  • 8.2. Authoritative Text for Statutes: The prioritization of the German version of the Statutes as the authoritative text in instances of ambiguity serves as a practical measure for legal clarity and consistency. This approach recognizes the significance of the GCRI's location in Vienna, Austria, and provides a definitive reference for interpreting the organization's foundational documents.


The empowerment of the GSB to develop and adjust the By-laws, Code of Procedure, Code of Ethics, and related policies reflects the GCRI's proactive stance on governance and ethical standards. This authority ensures the organization can swiftly respond to new challenges, uphold high standards of conduct, and remain aligned with its mission and values.


The transitional provision for current GSB members respects their past service by considering only terms served as elected officials under the new term limit policy. This approach balances the need for fresh perspectives with the value of experienced leadership, ensuring a smooth and fair transition to the updated governance structure.

Last updated