Working Groups

National Working Groups (NWGs)

National Working Groups (NWGs) are foundational elements within the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation’s (GCRI) strategic framework, serving as localized hubs for synthesizing global objectives with regional insights and priorities. These groups are crucial for implementing GCRI's mission at the national level, ensuring that global strategies are adapted to local contexts and challenges. NWGs play a pivotal role in identifying specific risks and opportunities within their territories, enabling tailored approaches to innovation, risk management, and sustainable development. Through engagement with local stakeholders across the quadruple helix (academia, industry, government, and civil society), NWGs foster a participatory approach to solving complex challenges, thereby enhancing national capacity for resilience and innovation.

Core Functions and Objectives

  1. Localized Implementation of Global Strategies

    • NWGs translate GCRI's global strategies into actionable national plans, ensuring that global initiatives are effectively implemented in local contexts.

    • By adapting global objectives to local realities, NWGs address specific regional challenges and leverage local opportunities.

  2. Risk Identification and Management

    • NWGs identify and assess specific risks unique to their regions, developing tailored risk management strategies.

    • They facilitate the implementation of GCRI’s risk mitigation frameworks, enhancing local resilience against potential threats.

  3. Fostering Innovation and Sustainable Development

    • NWGs drive innovation by collaborating with local academia, industry, and civil society to develop sustainable solutions.

    • They promote sustainable practices and policies, aligning with GCRI’s overarching mission of global sustainability.

  4. Stakeholder Engagement and Participation

    • NWGs engage local stakeholders from academia, industry, government, and civil society in a collaborative approach to problem-solving.

    • This inclusive engagement ensures diverse perspectives and expertise contribute to developing and implementing effective solutions.

Competence Cells

Competence Cells are specialized units orchestrated by GCRI to drive the development and implementation of targeted initiatives and projects. These cells operate both within and beyond the scope of NWGs, focusing on specific areas of risk, innovation, and sustainability. Comprising multidisciplinary teams of experts, Competence Cells work on the ground to apply GCRI’s global standards and frameworks to local challenges, facilitating the co-creation of context-aware, dynamic, and scalable solutions. They serve as incubators for innovation, offering a structured yet flexible framework for experimentation, learning, and adaptation. Through these cells, GCRI accelerates the transfer of knowledge, technology, and best practices, enhancing local and national capacities for standard setting, solution development, and policy formulation.

Nexus Accelerators

Nexus Accelerators are advanced technological frameworks developed to expedite the prototyping, inspection, assessment, and standard development processes across various domains of GCRI’s work. Leveraging open-source software packages and cutting-edge Microsoft technologies, these accelerators enable rapid deployment of scalable and adaptable solutions to pressing global and local challenges. By providing tools for rapid prototype development, Nexus Accelerators enhance the participation of NWGs and Competence Cells in research, development, and policy formulation processes related to risk management and resilience building. They are instrumental in fostering innovation, facilitating the development of industry-specific applications, and promoting the adoption of GCRI’s standards and frameworks at both national and local levels.

Together, NWGs, Competence Cells, and Nexus Accelerators form the operational backbone of GCRI, integrating global vision with local action. This synergy ensures that GCRI’s strategic objectives are realized through effective, collaborative, and innovative approaches to global challenges, setting new benchmarks for resilience, sustainability, and inclusive growth worldwide.

The establishment of NWGs as legal Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) represents a forward-thinking step in GCRI’s strategy to integrate global visions with local actions. This model embodies the principles of decentralization, transparency, and participation, positioning GCRI at the forefront of leveraging legal and technological innovations for global good.

In the strategic evolution of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI), NWGs are envisioned to operate as DAOs under the GCRI's overarching framework. This transformation aligns with GCRI's commitment to innovation, decentralization, and empowerment at the national level, enabling a more agile, transparent, and participatory approach to addressing global risks and fostering sustainable innovation.

Legal Framework and Governance

Operating as legal DAOs, NWGs will be constituted within a legal framework that grants them autonomy while ensuring alignment with GCRI's global mission and standards. This framework will outline the governance structures, operational protocols, and compliance requirements, enabling NWGs to function effectively within their legal jurisdictions and in harmony with GCRI’s ethos:

  1. Autonomy and Decentralization

    • Each NWG, as a DAO, will operate with a high degree of autonomy, making decisions through consensus mechanisms or token-based voting systems, allowing for democratic participation of all members.

  2. Smart Contracts for Governance

    • Key operational aspects, including project funding, partnership agreements, and initiative rollouts, will be managed through smart contracts, ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficiency in execution.

  3. Compliance and Ethical Standards

    • Despite their decentralized nature, NWGs will adhere to a set of global ethical standards and compliance norms set by GCRI, ensuring that their operations promote sustainability, inclusivity, and responsible innovation.

Integration with GCRI’s Global Framework

As DAOs, NWGs will serve as integral components of GCRI’s global strategy, providing localized insights and action plans that feed into the broader objectives of risk mitigation and sustainable development.

  1. Standard Development and Adoption

    • Leveraging their decentralized nature, NWGs will play a pivotal role in the development, adaptation, and implementation of global standards and frameworks within their national contexts, enhancing local relevance and effectiveness.

  2. Innovation and Solution Development

    • Through a decentralized governance model, NWGs will foster innovation ecosystems at the national level, incubating solutions and technologies that address local challenges while contributing to GCRI’s global mission.

  3. Policy Influence and Capacity Building

    • NWGs will engage with national policymakers and stakeholders, advocating for policies that align with GCRI’s standards and frameworks, and building national capacities for risk management and sustainable innovation.

Operational and Strategic Implications

The transition of NWGs into legal DAOs under GCRI's umbrella represents a strategic innovation that enhances the organization's ability to operate dynamically across diverse national landscapes.

  1. Enhanced Flexibility and Responsiveness

    • As DAOs, NWGs can quickly adapt to changing national contexts and challenges, enabling more responsive and effective implementation of GCRI’s initiatives.

  2. Broader Engagement and Participation

    • The decentralized model encourages broader stakeholder engagement, from academia and industry to government and civil society, fostering a more inclusive approach to tackling global challenges.

  3. Scalability and Replicability

    • The DAO framework offers a scalable and replicable model for GCRI’s expansion into new regions, facilitating a standardized yet adaptable approach to global risk management and innovation.


The Nexus Standards Foundation (NSF) is a pivotal entity within the broader ecosystem of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI), dedicated to mitigating global risks through the advancement of Nexus Standards and the fostering of the Nexus Ecosystem. As an infinite Swiss foundation, NSF operates with a grant-making model, focusing on the long-term sustainability and resilience of global systems through technological and standardization initiatives.

  1. Advancement of Nexus Standards

    • Setting Global Standards: NSF plays a crucial role in establishing and promoting Nexus Standards, which are designed to guide the development of technologies and applications with a focus on risk mitigation, security, and sustainability. These standards ensure that innovations are aligned with global needs for resilience and environmental stewardship.

    • Interoperability and Security: By advocating for universal standards, NSF ensures that systems and applications are interoperable and secure, facilitating seamless integration and collaboration across different technological platforms and industries worldwide.

  2. Fostering the Nexus Ecosystem

    • Underlying Technology and Digital Infrastructure: The Nexus Ecosystem, supported by NSF, serves as the foundational digital infrastructure that enables developers to build applications aimed at addressing global challenges. This ecosystem is grounded in the principles of open-source development, transparency, and collaboration.

    • Enabling Innovation and Application Development: Through the provision of a robust and adaptable infrastructure, NSF empowers developers and innovators to create solutions that are scalable, sustainable, and capable of mitigating risks across various domains, from environmental sustainability to public health and safety.

  3. Grant-making for Sustainable Impact

    • Funding Innovation and Research: NSF utilizes its grant-making capabilities to fund projects and research initiatives that are pivotal in advancing the Nexus Standards and enriching the Nexus Ecosystem. These grants support the exploration of new technologies, methodologies, and collaborative efforts that align with NSF’s mission.

    • Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing: Beyond financial support, NSF facilitates capacity building among stakeholders and promotes knowledge sharing within the global community. It organizes workshops, conferences, and training sessions to disseminate best practices and foster a culture of innovation and resilience.

  4. Global Risk Mitigation

    • Strategic Collaboration: NSF collaborates with international organizations, government agencies, and the private sector to embed Nexus Standards into global risk management strategies, ensuring that technological advancements contribute positively to societal welfare and environmental protection.

    • Policy Influence: By setting universal standards, NSF indirectly influences policy frameworks and governance models worldwide, advocating for regulations that support sustainable development, risk mitigation, and the ethical use of technology.

NWGs Membership in the NSF

National Working Groups (NWGs) are critical components within the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation's (GCRI) strategy for addressing global challenges through localized action. Operating based on the Quintuple Helix (QH) model, NWGs encompass a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including academia, industry, government, civil society, and the environmental sector, to foster innovation and sustainable development. Their integration into the Nexus Standards Foundation (NSF) as validators in the blockchain ecosystem represents a significant leap towards enhancing transparency, trust, and collaboration in the pursuit of global risk mitigation and sustainability.

  1. Composition and Model

    • Academia: Researchers and educational institutions contribute theoretical insights, innovative methodologies, and cutting-edge research to guide NWGs' initiatives towards evidence-based solutions.

    • Industry: Companies from various sectors bring practical expertise, technological resources, and market insights, ensuring that NWG initiatives are scalable, economically viable, and aligned with current technological trends.

    • Government: Public sector entities provide regulatory guidance, policy frameworks, and public resources. Their involvement ensures that NWG activities are in line with national priorities and regulatory standards.

    • Civil Society: Non-governmental organizations, community groups, and individual activists represent the social dimension, advocating for inclusivity, equity, and ethical considerations in NWG initiatives.

    • Environment: Environmental organizations and advocates bring awareness of ecological sustainability and resilience, ensuring that NWG initiatives contribute positively to environmental stewardship and the sustainable use of natural resources.

  2. Integration with NSF as Validators

    • Role as Validators: NWGs, through their diverse composition, serve as validators within the NSF-supported blockchain ecosystem. This role involves verifying transactions, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of data shared across the network, and maintaining the blockchain's overall security and reliability.

    • Blockchain for Enhanced Collaboration: Utilizing blockchain technology enables NWGs to establish a decentralized and transparent framework for collaboration. This approach ensures that innovations, standards development, and data sharing are conducted in a secure, tamper-proof environment, fostering trust among all stakeholders.

    • Advancing Nexus Standards through Blockchain: NWGs contribute to the development and implementation of Nexus Standards by leveraging blockchain technology. As validators, they ensure that the standards developed are adhered to within the ecosystem, facilitating interoperability, data integrity, and compliance across various initiatives.

    • Smart Contracts for Governance and Compliance: Utilizing smart contracts within the blockchain ecosystem allows NWGs to automate enforcement of Nexus Standards and governance protocols. This ensures efficient and transparent compliance with established guidelines, reducing the administrative burden and enhancing operational efficiency.

    • Tokenization and Incentives: The blockchain ecosystem supported by NSF may employ tokenization to incentivize participation and collaboration within NWGs. Tokens can be used to reward contributions, fund projects, and facilitate stakeholder engagement in a transparent and equitable manner.

    • Data Sharing and Privacy: Blockchain technology offers NWGs a secure platform for sharing research findings, data sets, and best practices while ensuring data privacy and security. This capability is crucial for collaborative research and development efforts across the Quintuple Helix stakeholders.

NWGs, structured around the Quintuple Helix model, play a pivotal role in GCRI's strategy to foster localized innovation and sustainable development. Their integration as validators in the NSF-supported blockchain ecosystem represents an innovative approach to enhancing collaboration, trust, and transparency across a decentralized network. By leveraging blockchain technology, NWGs are positioned to advance Nexus Standards, ensure compliance, and facilitate a secure, inclusive, and sustainable global innovation ecosystem.


Within the strategic framework of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI), addressing global challenges necessitates a multifaceted approach that not only encompasses the development of innovative solutions but also ensures their effective commercialization and implementation. The Global Risk Alliance (GRA) acts as a pivotal consortium under the GCRI umbrella, dedicated to the commercialization of solutions developed within the Nexus Ecosystem and adhered to the Nexus Standards set forth by the Nexus Standards Foundation (NSF).

The Global Risk Alliance (GRA) is an essential component of GCRI's strategic plan and operational guide, playing a crucial role in the commercialization of innovative solutions developed within the Nexus Ecosystem. By ensuring these solutions are viable, sustainable, and aligned with Nexus Standards, GRA actively contributes to GCRI's mission of mitigating global risks and fostering a resilient, sustainably developed world.

  1. Objectives and Responsibilities

    • Commercialization of Innovations: GRA's core mission revolves around transforming groundbreaking research and innovations developed within the Nexus Ecosystem into commercially viable products and services. This transition from concept to market is crucial for the practical application of solutions to global risks and challenges.

    • Adherence to Nexus Standards: Ensuring that the commercialized solutions strictly adhere to the Nexus Standards is a fundamental responsibility of GRA. These standards, developed under the guidance of NSF, emphasize sustainability, interoperability, and ethical use of technology, thus ensuring that innovations contribute positively to global risk mitigation and sustainable development.

    • Fostering Collaborations: GRA facilitates collaborations between researchers, innovators, industry leaders, and policymakers to support the development, scaling, and implementation of solutions. By acting as a bridge between the development phase and market entry, GRA plays a critical role in accelerating the impact of innovative solutions on a global scale.

    • Market Analysis and Strategy Development: Understanding market needs and developing effective strategies for the introduction and scaling of solutions are key functions of GRA. This includes conducting market analyses, identifying strategic partners, and crafting go-to-market strategies that align with global sustainability goals and risk mitigation efforts.

    • Resource Mobilization and Funding: GRA actively seeks funding opportunities and mobilizes resources to support the commercialization process. This includes engaging with investors, securing grants, and exploring public-private partnerships to ensure the sustainable launch and scaling of solutions.

    • Regulatory Compliance and Ethical Standards: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape and ensuring compliance with international standards and ethical guidelines is a priority for GRA. This ensures that solutions not only meet market demands but also adhere to legal and ethical considerations, reinforcing GCRI's commitment to responsible innovation.

  2. Addressing Global Challenges

    • Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability: Promoting the commercialization of sustainable technologies and practices that contribute to climate mitigation and environmental preservation.

    • Healthcare and Epidemic Response: Facilitating the rapid deployment of healthcare innovations and digital health solutions to improve global health outcomes and preparedness for health crises.

    • Economic Development and Social Inequality: Supporting the development of solutions that drive economic growth while addressing social inequalities and ensuring inclusive access to technology.

    • Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity: Accelerating the adoption of digital technologies that enhance societal resilience while ensuring cybersecurity and data privacy.

  3. Structure and Operational Mechanisms

    • Nexus Standards Foundation (NSF): Acts as the grant-making body dedicated to advancing Nexus Standards and fostering the development of the Nexus Ecosystem. It ensures that technological advancements and digital infrastructures align with global risk mitigation efforts.

    • Global Risk Alliance (GRA): A consortium responsible for the commercialization of solutions developed within the Nexus Ecosystem. GRA ensures that these solutions are scalable, market-ready, and aligned with Nexus Standards, thereby maximizing their global impact.

    • National Working Groups (NWGs): Operate as legal Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) under GCRI's umbrella, embodying the Quintuple Helix model by incorporating academia, industry, government, civil society, and environmental perspectives. NWGs play a crucial role in localizing GCRI’s mission, adapting global objectives to national contexts, and acting as validators in the blockchain ecosystem for standards development.

    • Competence Cells: Serve as regenerative R&D units tasked with building national capacities in standards, solutions, and policy development. Competence Cells facilitate the operationalization of GCRI's strategies at local levels, driving innovation and solution development within the Nexus Ecosystem.

    • Nexus Accelerators: Represent open-source software packages utilized by NWGs and Competence Cells to rapidly prototype, inspect, assess, and develop standards. These accelerators expedite participation in research, development, and policy formation concerning risk management and resilience building.

  4. Strategic Implementation Process

    • Strategic Alignment and Vision Casting: Defining strategic priorities, vision sharing, and ensuring alignment across the organization and with external partners.

    • Formation and Mobilization of NWGs and Competence Cells: Engaging stakeholders, establishing governance models, and creating operational frameworks.

    • Leveraging Nexus Accelerators: Providing technological tools and training for rapid prototyping and solution deployment.

    • Localized Strategy Development and Implementation: Conducting local needs assessments, creating action plans, and launching projects.

    • Project Execution and Management: Implementing projects, monitoring progress, and ensuring alignment with GCRI’s strategic objectives.

    • Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration: Enhancing collaboration among stakeholders and promoting public engagement.

    • Scaling and Replication: Evaluating scalability and replicating successful solutions.

    • Standard Development and Policy Advocacy: Developing standards, engaging with policymakers, and advocating for policy integration.

    • Impact Assessment and Reporting: Evaluating impacts, sharing outcomes, and refining strategies.

Strategic Partnerships

Initiation of National Working Groups (NWGs) through Strategic Partnerships

The initiation of NWGs through strategic partnerships with academic, industry, and standard-developing bodies is a critical step in operationalizing GCRI’s global mission at the national level. By fostering collaboration, capacity building, and innovative problem-solving within NWGs, GCRI sets the foundation for impactful local actions that contribute to a resilient and sustainable global community. This strategic approach not only amplifies GCRI’s influence in national and international policy-making but also ensures that the development and implementation of standards are informed by diverse perspectives and local needs, driving forward GCRI’s agenda for global and local resilience.

Framework for NWG Initiation

Identification of Strategic Partners

  • Conduct Comprehensive Analysis: Identify potential partners in academia, industry, and standard-developing bodies that align with GCRI’s mission and values.

  • Prioritize Commitment: Select partners with a demonstrated commitment to risk management, resilience, sustainability, innovation, and standards development.

Engagement and Partnership Building

  • Initiate Dialogue: Engage identified entities to explore shared objectives, interests, and potential collaboration in forming NWGs.

  • Formal Agreements: Establish Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) or formal agreements to solidify partnerships, outlining roles, expectations, and mutual benefits.

NWG Formation

  • Define Structure and Governance: Collaboratively design the structure, governance model, and operational mechanisms of NWGs, ensuring they are equipped to translate GCRI’s global missions into local actions.

  • Diverse Stakeholder Inclusion: Incorporate representatives from the quintuple helix model to ensure a holistic approach to problem-solving and innovation.

Capacity Building and Training

  • Develop Programs: Create capacity-building programs focusing on GCRI’s core areas, such as risk management, sustainability, innovation methodologies, and standards development.

  • Utilize Expertise: Leverage the expertise of academic and industry partners to provide comprehensive training and resources, enhancing the effectiveness of NWGs.

Integration with Global GCRI Framework

  • Communication Channels: Establish clear communication and reporting channels between NWGs and GCRI’s central bureau (CB) to ensure alignment of goals and activities.

  • Global Network Integration: Integrate NWGs into GCRI’s global network, facilitating knowledge exchange, collaboration, and mutual support among NWGs and other GCRI components.

Joint Projects and Initiatives

  • Identify Joint Projects: Launch joint projects leveraging the unique strengths of academic, industry, and standards-developing partners within the NWG framework.

  • Focus on Local and Global Objectives: Prioritize initiatives that address local challenges while contributing to GCRI’s global objectives, serving as models for scalable and replicable solutions.

Standards Development and Advocacy

  • Engage in Development: Involve NWGs in developing, promoting, and implementing Nexus Standards, utilizing their local insights and expertise to ensure relevance and applicability.

  • Policy Advocacy: Advocate for the adoption of these standards at national and international levels through policy influence, public awareness campaigns, and stakeholder engagement.

Framework for Global Impact

Advocacy and Policy Influence

  • Active Engagement: Utilize GCRI’s consultative status to engage with the UN system actively, influencing policy and standard development related to global risk, sustainability, and digital infrastructure.

  • Documentation and Events: Submit official documentation, host informative side events, and participate in critical dialogues to ensure Nexus Ecosystem innovations are integrated into global policy frameworks.

Expertise and Knowledge Sharing

  • Thought Leadership: Share cutting-edge research, innovative solutions, and best practices, positioning GCRI as a leader within its fields of activity.

  • Meaningful Exchange: Facilitate exchanges of ideas and solutions instrumental in shaping resilient and sustainable global standards.

Collaboration with Permanent Missions

  • Alignment with National Agendas: Ensure global initiatives resonate with national agendas by collaborating closely with Permanent Missions of UN member states.

  • Policy Formulation Support: Help align Nexus Standards and Nexus Ecosystem utilization with specific country contexts for impactful national deployment.

Capacity Building and Technical Support

  • Promoting Nexus Standards: Facilitate capacity-building efforts by promoting Nexus Standards and the broader Nexus Ecosystem.

  • Local Policy Formulation: Aid in the formulation of national policies, development of context-specific standards, and creation of resilient technological solutions.

Fostering Global and Local Partnerships

  • Strategic Partnerships: Cultivate partnerships across diverse sectors to enhance collective capacity to tackle global challenges.

  • Multi-Stakeholder Approach: Facilitate a multi-stakeholder approach that fosters innovation, accelerates standard development, and promotes sustainable solutions.

Initial Steps for NWGs

Formation of NWGs through Strategic Partnerships

  1. Strategic Partner Identification

    • Conduct a comprehensive analysis to identify potential academic, industry, and standard-developing partners.

    • Prioritize partners committed to risk management, resilience, sustainability, and innovation.

  2. Partnership Building

    • Initiate dialogue with identified entities to explore collaboration potential.

    • Establish MoUs or formal agreements to solidify partnerships.

  3. NWG Formation

    • Define the structure, governance model, and operational mechanisms.

    • Include representatives from academia, industry, government, civil society, and environmental groups.

  4. Capacity Building

    • Develop programs focused on risk management, sustainability, innovation methodologies, and standards development.

    • Utilize the expertise of academic and industry partners for comprehensive training.

  5. Integration with GCRI Framework

    • Establish communication channels between NWGs and GCRI’s central bureau (CB).

    • Integrate NWGs into GCRI’s global network for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

  6. Joint Projects

    • Launch joint projects leveraging the strengths of academic, industry, and standards-developing partners.

    • Focus on initiatives addressing local challenges and contributing to GCRI’s global objectives.

  7. Standards Development

    • Engage NWGs in developing and promoting Nexus Standards.

    • Advocate for adopting standards at national and international levels.

National Working Groups (NWGs) are essential to GCRI’s strategy for localized implementation of global objectives. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and sustainable development through strategic partnerships and capacity-building initiatives, NWGs bridge the gap between global vision and local action. Their integration into the broader GCRI framework ensures a cohesive approach to addressing global challenges, driving resilience, sustainability, and inclusive growth worldwide.

Last updated