
The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) emerges as a critical nexus for fostering global collaboration and advancing sustainability and innovation, reflecting a collective commitment outlined in key international documents and the aspirations of civil societies worldwide. GCRI's inception and evolution are a testament to the power of collaborative action against global challenges, anchored in the foundational principles of international cooperation, sustainability, human rights, and innovation.

GCRI is deeply rooted in the ethos of several pivotal international frameworks and resolutions, which collectively underscore the imperative for sustainable development, equity, and global cooperation:

  • General Assembly resolution 75/1: Marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, calling for renewed international cooperation to address global challenges.

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Affirms the inalienable rights and freedoms of all individuals, underpinning GCRI's commitment to equity and justice.

  • Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action: Emphasizes the importance of human rights for achieving sustainable development, guiding GCRI's inclusive agenda.

  • United Nations Convention against Corruption: Highlights the critical role of transparency and accountability, principles central to GCRI's operations.

  • ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work: Influences GCRI’s focus on promoting sustainable economic growth and decent work for all.

  • Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Inspires GCRI's dedication to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

  • System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA): Guides GCRI's approach to integrating environmental data into economic planning and policy.

  • Declaration on the Responsibility of the Present Generations Towards Future Generations: Reinforces GCRI's commitment to safeguarding the interests of future generations.

GCRI’s Mission in Light of "Our Common Agenda"

The establishment of GCRI aligns with the directives of "Our Common Agenda," as articulated in General Assembly resolution 75/1, offering a cohesive response to the need for a platform that embodies global plurality in tackling sustainability and innovation:

  • A Unified Platform for Global Collaboration: GCRI stands as a singular platform for engaging diverse global stakeholders in addressing contemporary and future challenges through innovative and sustainable solutions.

  • Advancing the SDGs: Through its initiatives, GCRI actively contributes to accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring that no aspect of human well-being is left behind.

  • Empowering Civil Society: Originating from the World Social Forum in 2016, GCRI underscores the value of civil society collaboration in driving global change, embodying the spirit of inclusivity and collective action.

Key Commitments and Strategic Directions

GCRI embodies the commitments outlined in General Assembly resolution 75/1 through targeted actions and strategic initiatives:

  • Promoting Peace and Preventing Conflicts: GCRI facilitates dialogue and collaboration to build more peaceful and resilient communities.

  • Protecting Our Planet: Through innovation and strategic partnerships, GCRI advances solutions for environmental sustainability and climate action.

  • Ensuring Justice and Upholding International Law: GCRI champions the rule of law and human rights, advocating for equitable and just societies.

  • Empowering Women and Girls: Gender equality is central to GCRI's mission, promoting women's participation and leadership in all sectors.

  • Building Trust and Enhancing Digital Cooperation: GCRI aims to improve digital cooperation, ensuring safe and inclusive digital spaces for all.

  • Upgrading the United Nations: By supporting UN reforms and initiatives, GCRI strengthens the capacity of international institutions to respond to global challenges.

  • Engaging Youth: GCRI recognizes the critical role of youth in shaping the future, ensuring their voices are heard and their contributions valued.

The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) represents a forward-thinking response to the call for global cooperation and solidarity, as outlined in General Assembly resolution 75/1 and reflected in the broader framework of international resolutions and commitments. Through its comprehensive approach to sustainability, innovation, and equity, GCRI stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for transformative change, driving the agenda for a sustainable and inclusive global community.

Strategic Focus Areas:

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