

The mission of the Governance nd Compliance Committee is to ensure that the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) adheres to the highest standards of governance and compliance. The committee's work is crucial in maintaining the integrity and accountability of the organization, ensuring that all operations are conducted in line with global standards, and are responsive to regional nuances and legal requirements.


The Governance and Compliance Committee's mandate includes overseeing the development, implementation, and maintenance of governance structures and compliance mechanisms within GCRI. This encompasses:

  • Reviewing and enhancing policies and procedures to ensure they meet international regulations and best practices.

  • Ensuring that GCRI’s activities are compliant with legal and ethical standards across different jurisdictions.

  • Monitoring adherence to internal governance frameworks to safeguard transparency and accountability.

  • Addressing any issues of non-compliance and proposing corrective actions to prevent future occurrences.


The committee is typically composed of senior leaders and experts in law, ethics, risk management, and international compliance. Members are often drawn from diverse backgrounds to provide a wide range of insights and expertise. This can include:

  • Legal advisors familiar with international and regional law.

  • Ethics officers who specialize in organizational ethics and compliance.

  • Senior executives with experience in governance and strategic management.

  • External consultants or advisors, especially in regions with specific compliance challenges.


  • Policy Development and Review: Drafting and revising governance policies and compliance procedures to enhance organizational integrity and adherence to laws and standards.

  • Compliance Monitoring: Regularly assessing the organization’s activities for compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as with internal policies.

  • Risk Assessment: Identifying potential areas of compliance risk and developing strategies to mitigate these risks.

  • Training and Awareness: Organizing training sessions for GCRI leaders and new members to ensure they are aware of governance and compliance requirements and understand their roles in maintaining them.

  • Reporting: Providing regular reports to the Board of Trustees and the General Assembly on governance and compliance issues, improvements made, and ongoing risks.

  • Advisory Role: Acting as a consultative body to other committees and boards within GCRI, ensuring that all organizational decisions are made with a clear understanding of governance and compliance implications.

The Governance and Compliance Committee plays a foundational role in ensuring that the GCRI operates efficiently, ethically, and in accordance with international and local standards, thereby protecting the organization's reputation and operational viability.


The mission of the Deliberation and Delegation Committee is to strategically enhance the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation's (GCRI) engagements with major global entities such as the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and other significant international forums. The committee aims to ensure that GCRI's interactions and collaborations with these entities are impactful, aligned with the organization's strategic goals, and effectively communicated to the global community.


  • Strategic Engagement Planning: Develop and implement strategies for GCRI's interaction with major international organizations and forums to advance global risk management, security, and sustainability agendas.

  • Representation Strategies: Prepare and support GCRI's delegations to international meetings and conferences, ensuring they are well-prepared to represent the organization's interests and objectives effectively.

  • Communication and Public Relations: Oversee the development of communication strategies and materials that promote GCRI’s activities and achievements in international forums, enhancing its global visibility and impact.


  • Senior Policy Advisors who understand the complexities of international relations and global policy-making.

  • Public Relations Experts who manage the organization's image and communications with the public and other stakeholders.

  • Strategic Planners who align the committee’s objectives with the overall strategy of the GCRI.

  • Specialized Consultants from relevant fields such as international law, diplomacy, and global governance.


  • Policy Development: Formulate policies that guide GCRI's interactions with international organizations, ensuring these interactions support broader strategic objectives.

  • Delegation Preparation: Organize training and briefing sessions for GCRI representatives ahead of their participation in international meetings, ensuring they are fully prepared to engage effectively.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Assess the impact of GCRI's international engagements and provide feedback and recommendations for future improvements.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Foster relationships with key stakeholders in the international community to support GCRI’s mission and increase its influence in global discussions.

  • Media and Communication: Develop and disseminate press releases, position papers, and other communication materials that clearly articulate GCRI’s contributions and perspectives at international events.

  • Feedback Integration: Collect and integrate insights from international engagements back into GCRI’s strategic planning processes to ensure that global perspectives are reflected in its initiatives.

The Deliberation and Delegation Committee is crucial for positioning GCRI as a leader in global discussions on risk management, security, and sustainability, ensuring that the organization's voice is heard and respected in crucial global forums. This committee strategically bridges GCRI’s internal objectives with external opportunities, fostering significant international collaborations and enhancing global impact.


The mission of the Operational Excellence Committee is to enhance the operational efficiency and effectiveness across the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI). The committee focuses on refining processes and systems to ensure that GCRI operates at the highest standards of performance, optimizing resources and maximizing impact in its global initiatives.


  • Process Optimization: Identify and implement improvements in GCRI’s operational processes to increase efficiency and reduce waste.

  • Performance Standards Development: Establish and maintain high performance standards across all levels of the organization, ensuring that operational targets and goals are met.

  • Feedback Integration: Systematically incorporate feedback from regional and specialized boards to align operations with the diverse needs and expectations of different geographic and functional areas.

  • Best Practices Implementation: Research, identify, and integrate industry best practices into GCRI’s operational strategies to stay ahead in efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Legal Operations Experts who oversee the entire operations and are skilled in legal compliance and process improvement.

  • Quality Assurance Specialists who ensure that operational outputs meet the required standards and regulations.

  • Strategic Planners who align operational strategies with the overall objectives of the GCRI.

  • Change Management Experts who facilitate the implementation of new processes and systems across the organization.


  • Operational Audits: Conduct regular audits of existing operations to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with established standards.

  • Change Initiatives: Lead change management initiatives that introduce new processes or technologies intended to enhance operational efficiency.

  • Training Programs: Develop and deliver training programs to ensure directors are well-equipped to adopt new procedures and technologies.

  • Operational Reporting: Produce comprehensive reports on operational metrics, highlighting achievements and areas needing attention.

  • Resource Allocation: Ensure optimal allocation of resources across projects and departments to achieve the best operational outcomes.

  • Feedback Loops: Establish effective feedback loops with regional and specialized boards to ensure that operations are responsive to the needs of different areas and functions within the organization.

The Operational Excellence Committee plays a crucial role in ensuring that GCRI’s operations are not only efficient but also adaptive to the changing needs of the organization and its global stakeholders. By focusing on continuous improvement and strategic alignment, this committee helps GCRI achieve its mission with operational integrity and excellence.


The mission of the Strategic Alignment Committee is to ensure that all strategic initiatives within the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) are aligned with the organization's overarching global objectives. This committee is pivotal in harmonizing these initiatives across different geographic and operational divisions to ensure a cohesive and unified approach to achieving GCRI's mission.


  • Strategic Review and Alignment: Review ongoing and proposed strategic initiatives to ensure they are in line with GCRI’s global objectives and mission.

  • Integration of Regional Insights: Incorporate insights and feedback from Regional Stewardship Boards (RSBs) and specialized boards to tailor global strategies to local and regional contexts.

  • Cross-Functional Coordination: Facilitate coordination between different functional areas within GCRI to ensure strategic initiatives are well integrated and mutually supportive.

  • Strategic Planning Support: Provide support in the strategic planning process, helping to identify priorities and align them with GCRI’s long-term goals.


  • Strategic Planners who provide expertise in global strategy development and implementation.

  • Representatives from Regional and Specialized Boards who bring regional perspectives and specialized knowledge to ensure strategies are comprehensive and inclusive.

  • Senior Executives from various GCRI departments to represent the interests and insights of their respective areas.

  • Advisory Members who may be external experts in global strategy and organizational alignment.


  • Strategic Oversight: Oversee the development and implementation of strategic initiatives to ensure they are robust, coherent, and aligned with global aims.

  • Policy Development: Assist in developing policies that support the strategic objectives of GCRI, ensuring they are adaptive to changes in the global environment.

  • Advisory Role: Provide advisory support to GCRI’s management and operational teams, offering insights and recommendations on strategic alignment.

  • Evaluation and Monitoring: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of strategic initiatives and make recommendations for enhancements or adjustments.

  • Facilitate Strategic Workshops: Organize workshops and sessions to facilitate strategic discussions and planning, involving stakeholders from various levels of the organization.

  • Communication: Ensure clear and effective communication of strategic plans and alignment principles across the organization to foster understanding and support for initiatives.

The Strategic Alignment Committee plays a critical role in guiding GCRI’s strategic direction, ensuring that all initiatives not only align with the organization's global objectives but also effectively integrate diverse regional insights and specialized expertise. This alignment is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness and relevance of GCRI's operations in a complex global landscape.


The Regional/National Planning Committee focuses on ensuring that the regional and national strategies of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) are well-aligned with the overarching goals of the organization. This committee plays a crucial role in adapting global strategies to fit regional contexts, fostering deeper engagement and more effective collaboration at both regional and national levels.


  • Strategic Regional Adaptation: Tailor GCRI's global strategies to regional and national contexts, considering local socio-economic, cultural, and political factors.

  • Engagement and Collaboration Enhancement: Strengthen engagement and collaboration among regional stakeholders to support GCRI’s initiatives and enhance their impact.

  • Alignment with Global Objectives: Ensure that all regional strategies are aligned with GCRI's global objectives, creating a cohesive strategy across all levels of the organization.

  • Support for Regional Stewardship Boards: Provide ongoing support and guidance to Regional Stewardship Boards (RSBs) in planning and executing their strategies.


  • Regional Directors who oversee GCRI operations within specific geographical areas.

  • National Advisors who manage GCRI activities at the national level and ensure alignment with regional strategies.

  • Strategic Leaders from GCRI’s global network who provide expertise in aligning strategies across different scales.

  • Representatives from SLBs who bring specific domain knowledge to ensure strategies are informed by the latest research and best practices.


  • Development of Regional Strategies: Develop comprehensive strategies that reflect the needs and goals of regional and national constituencies within the framework of GCRI’s global strategy.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of regional strategies to ensure effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

  • Resource Allocation: Recommend allocation of resources across regions and nations to support the strategic objectives efficiently and effectively.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitate engagement with regional and national stakeholders, including government agencies, industry leaders, and civil society, to enhance the visibility and impact of GCRI’s initiatives.

  • Feedback Integration: Collect and integrate feedback from regional and national activities into GCRI’s broader strategic planning processes.

  • Communication and Reporting: Ensure effective communication between regional entities and GCRI’s central governance structures. Provide comprehensive reports on regional activities and their alignment with GCRI’s strategic goals.

The Regional/National Planning Committee ensures that GCRI’s strategies are not only globally coherent but also locally relevant and effective. By aligning regional and national plans with global objectives, the committee helps GCRI to achieve its mission more effectively, ensuring that strategies are adapted to meet the unique challenges and opportunities in each region. This alignment facilitates better resource utilization, increases engagement at all levels, and ultimately enhances the overall impact of GCRI’s initiatives on global risk management, security, and sustainability.


The mission of the Membership Engagement and Growth Committee is to evaluate and continuously improve the membership model of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI). This committee aims to ensure that the membership structure is accessible, appealing, and strategically positioned to attract and retain members from diverse sectors and backgrounds, thereby fostering a robust and active global community.


  • Enhancement of Membership Accessibility: Develop strategies to make GCRI membership more accessible to potential members across different regions and sectors, considering various economic and social barriers.

  • Competitive Positioning: Position GCRI’s membership as a valuable and unique offering in the global risk and innovation community, differentiating it from other organizations in the field.

  • Membership Model Innovation: Innovate and update the membership models to reflect changes in the global landscape, ensuring they remain relevant and attractive.

  • Engagement Strategies: Create and implement strategies to increase member engagement, ensuring members are active, involved, and find value in their association with GCRI.


  • Membership Director: Oversees the committee and coordinates membership strategy across the organization.

  • Regional Membership Coordinators: Focus on adapting membership strategies to fit regional needs and contexts.

  • Marketing and Outreach Specialists: Develop and implement strategies to promote GCRI membership globally.

  • Member Representatives: Provide feedback and insights from the membership base, ensuring that the voices of current members are heard in strategic discussions.

  • Data Analysts: Analyze membership data to inform strategies and measure the effectiveness of engagement initiatives.


  • Membership Analysis: Regularly analyze the composition, needs, and satisfaction levels of the current membership to identify areas for improvement.

  • Strategic Development: Develop strategic initiatives to enhance the value proposition of GCRI membership, focusing on benefits, services, and opportunities that align with members' needs and interests.

  • Outreach Programs: Design and implement outreach programs to attract new members and re-engage inactive ones, using a variety of marketing and communication tools.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish and manage effective feedback mechanisms to gather insights from members, using tools like surveys, focus groups, and community forums.

  • Reporting and Adjustments: Produce regular reports on membership trends, engagement levels, and the effectiveness of growth strategies. Recommend adjustments based on data and feedback.

  • Collaboration with Other Committees: Collaborate with other GCRI committees to ensure that membership strategies are integrated into broader organizational activities and goals.

The Membership Engagement and Growth Committee plays a critical role in ensuring that GCRI’s membership base is vibrant, engaged, and growing. By focusing on accessibility, competitive positioning, and continuous improvement of the membership model, the committee helps GCRI to maintain a dynamic community of professionals and organizations committed to global risk management, security, and sustainability. This community is not only a resource for GCRI but also a network through which members can collaborate, share knowledge, and advance their individual and collective goals.


The mission of the Fundraising and Sustainability Committee is to ensure the financial health and sustainability of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) by developing robust fundraising strategies and sustainable financial practices. This committee is dedicated to securing the resources necessary to support GCRI’s strategic objectives and enhance its impact on global risk management, security, and sustainability.


  • Resource Development: Identify and cultivate new funding sources, including grants, donations, sponsorships, and partnerships, to support GCRI’s operations and strategic initiatives.

  • Sustainability Planning: Develop strategies to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the organization, including diversifying income streams and building endowments.

  • Membership Contribution Structures: Innovate and govern sustainable membership fee structures that are equitable and provide value to members, thereby ensuring a steady revenue stream.

  • Alignment with GCRI Objectives: Ensure that all fundraising activities and financial strategies align with and support GCRI’s overarching goals and ethical standards.


  • Financial Experts: Provides financial oversight and strategic financial planning.

  • Fundraising Experts: Leads the development and execution of fundraising campaigns and initiatives.

  • Specialists: Specialize in identifying grant opportunities and writing proposals.

  • Partnership Experts: Oversee and maintain relationships with corporate sponsors and partners.

  • Financial Analysts: Analyze financial data to support strategic decisions and monitor financial health.


  • Fundraising Strategy Development: Create comprehensive fundraising strategies that utilize a mix of funding sources tailored to GCRI’s needs and potential donor interests.

  • Campaign Management: Plan and oversee fundraising campaigns that engage a broad spectrum of donors, from individuals to large organizations, leveraging innovative marketing and outreach tactics.

  • Grant Management: Oversee the grant application process, from identification of opportunities to proposal submission and compliance with grant requirements.

  • Sponsorship Coordination: Develop and sustain relationships with corporate and institutional sponsors, ensuring that sponsorship agreements are mutually beneficial and align with GCRI’s values and goals.

  • Financial Planning: Work closely with GCRI’s financial managers to align fundraising activities with financial planning, ensuring the sustainability of funding and efficient allocation of resources.

  • Monitoring and Reporting: Monitor fundraising activities for effectiveness and compliance, and report on progress to the board and relevant stakeholders.

The Fundraising and Sustainability Committee critically supports the GCRI’s ability to achieve its mission by ensuring financial resources are available and managed effectively. By developing sustainable funding models and engaging a diverse range of donors and partners, the committee helps to secure the necessary financial foundation for GCRI’s ongoing and future initiatives in risk management, security, and sustainability. This financial stability allows GCRI to plan and execute long-term strategies with confidence, ultimately leading to greater impact in its field.


The mission of the Innovation and Technology Committee is to drive the technological advancement and innovation strategy of the Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI). This committee ensures that GCRI remains at the forefront of technological developments and innovation practices in the field of global risk management, security, and sustainability.


  • Technology Leadership: Spearhead the adoption of emerging technologies that enhance GCRI's capabilities in risk management and security.

  • Innovation Strategies: Develop and implement strategies that foster innovation within GCRI, enhancing its role as a leader in global security and risk management.

  • Research and Development: Oversee research and development activities that explore new solutions and improve existing processes.

  • Partnership Development: Form strategic partnerships with tech companies, universities, and other research institutions to advance technological and innovative practices.


  • Technology Experts: Lead the committee and oversees the integration of technology and innovation into GCRI’s operations.

  • Innovation Experts: Drive the development and implementation of innovation strategies.

  • Research Scientists: Oversee cutting-edge research that contributes to advancements in risk management and security technologies.

  • Technology Analysts: Evaluate emerging technologies and assess their applicability to GCRI’s goals.

  • Partnership Experts: Develop strategies and maintain relationships with technology partners and stakeholders.


  • Technology Scouting: Identify and evaluate new technologies that could improve GCRI’s risk management, security and sustainabiilty initiatives.

  • Innovation Workshops and Seminars: Support events to foster a culture of innovation within GCRI and to share knowledge on recent technological advances.

  • Pilot Projects: Oversee pilot projects to test the feasibility and effectiveness of new technologies before full-scale implementation.

  • Strategy Development: Oversee strategic plans that integrate technology and innovation into all aspects of GCRI’s operations to enhance effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Collaborative Innovation: Facilitate collaborative innovation efforts with external partners to leverage external expertise and insights.

The Innovation and Technology Committee plays a crucial role in maintaining GCRI’s leadership in the global risk management arena by ensuring that the organization not only keeps up with but also sets new standards in technological innovation. Through strategic oversight and management of technology initiatives, the committee supports GCRI’s mission by enhancing its operational capabilities and by providing innovative solutions that address complex global risks. This proactive approach in adopting new technologies and fostering innovation ensures that GCRI remains adaptive and effective in its strategic objectives.

Last updated