
Education is a cornerstone for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), addressing broader societal challenges, and preparing societies for uncertain futures. Contemporary education systems face significant challenges, including severe underfunding and crises of equity and relevance. To foster a true learning society, a paradigm shift towards lifelong learning is essential. This transformation requires moving from rigid, fragmented structures to flexible, learner-centered approaches that emphasize continuous learning, reskilling, and upskilling in both formal and informal spaces. The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) and the United Nations (UN) play pivotal roles in this transformation, advocating for and implementing strategies that align with these objectives.


Education is crucial for:

  • Achieving the SDGs: Quality education underpins all 17 SDGs, fostering economic growth, reducing inequalities, and promoting peace and sustainability. For example, SDG 4 specifically targets inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  • Addressing Societal Challenges: Education equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle global issues such as climate change, poverty, and health disparities. For instance, education on climate change can empower individuals to adopt sustainable practices and advocate for environmental policies.

  • Preparing for Uncertain Futures: A robust education system prepares societies to adapt to rapid technological advancements and global shifts. As automation and artificial intelligence evolve, education systems must equip learners with critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy skills.

Despite its importance, current education systems are often underfunded and ill-equipped to address these challenges. Transforming education systems is essential to ensure they are inclusive, relevant, and capable of fostering lifelong learning.


To transform education effectively, several core principles must be adopted:

  • Lifelong Learning: Education should be a continuous process, offering opportunities for learning, reskilling, and upskilling throughout life. This includes creating systems that support adult education and vocational training.

  • Learner-Centered Approach: Education systems should focus on the needs and achievements of learners, providing flexible learning pathways. Personalized learning plans can help address individual strengths and weaknesses.

  • Equity and Inclusion: Ensuring all individuals, regardless of background, have access to quality education. Policies should address barriers faced by marginalized communities, such as socioeconomic status, gender, and disability.

  • Integration of Formal and Informal Learning: Recognizing and valuing learning that occurs outside traditional educational settings. This can include community-based programs, online courses, and experiential learning opportunities.

  • Relevance to Contemporary Challenges: Aligning educational content and methods with current and future societal needs. Curriculum reforms should incorporate subjects like digital literacy, environmental education, and global citizenship.

Current Frameworks

United Nations Initiatives

The UN has developed several frameworks to support the transformation of education systems:

  • Education 2030 Framework for Action: A roadmap for achieving SDG 4, focusing on inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. It emphasizes the importance of policy coordination, financing, and stakeholder engagement.

  • Global Education Coalition: Mobilizes partnerships to protect the right to education during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing digital learning and education innovation. This coalition includes governments, international organizations, civil society, and private sector partners.

  • Youth 2030 Strategy: Engages young people in shaping education policies and practices to ensure they are relevant and inclusive. This strategy highlights the need for youth participation in decision-making processes and the development of youth-led initiatives.

Transforming Education

The GCRI integrates educational transformation into its strategic initiatives, recognizing the critical role of education in addressing global risks and fostering innovation:

  • Lifelong Learning Programs: GCRI offers programs and resources for continuous learning, reskilling, and upskilling, tailored to address contemporary global challenges. These programs are designed to be accessible to diverse populations, including working adults and underserved communities.

  • Innovation in Education: GCRI collaborates with educational institutions and technology partners to develop innovative educational tools and platforms. This includes leveraging artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other emerging technologies to enhance learning experiences.

  • Global Youth Engagement: Through its Youth Advisory Council and other initiatives, GCRI ensures that young people’s voices are central in shaping educational policies and practices. The council facilitates youth-led projects and provides a platform for young leaders to influence global education agendas.

Challenges and Gaps

Despite these efforts, several challenges remain:

  • Underfunding: Many education systems lack the necessary funding to implement transformative changes. The global financing gap for achieving SDG 4 is estimated to be nearly $97 billion annually.

  • Equity and Access: Significant disparities exist in access to quality education, particularly for marginalized communities. For instance, only about half of children in sub-Saharan Africa are enrolled in pre-primary education.

  • Relevance: Educational content and methods often lag behind the rapidly changing societal and technological landscape. Traditional curricula may not adequately prepare students for future job markets or global challenges.

  • Rigid Structures: Traditional education systems are often inflexible, hindering the adoption of innovative and learner-centered approaches. Bureaucratic obstacles and outdated policies can impede necessary reforms.

Addressing Challenges

Increasing Funding for Education

  • Advocacy and Policy Influence: GCRI advocates for increased investment in education at national and international levels, leveraging its consultative status with the UN to influence global education policies. It collaborates with policymakers to develop sustainable financing models and allocate resources effectively.

  • Resource Mobilization: GCRI mobilizes resources from public, private, and philanthropic sources to support educational initiatives, ensuring sustainable funding for transformative education projects. Partnerships with corporations and foundations help to secure financial and technical support.

Promoting Lifelong Learning

  • Comprehensive Learning Programs: GCRI develops policies and programs that encourage continuous learning, reskilling, and upskilling, integrating formal and informal learning opportunities to create a holistic education system. These programs are designed to be accessible to all, regardless of age or background.

  • Learning Pathways: GCRI promotes flexible learning pathways that cater to diverse learning styles and life circumstances, ensuring education is accessible and relevant to all. This includes stackable credentials, micro-degrees, and competency-based education models.

Ensuring Equity and Inclusion

  • Inclusive Education Policies: GCRI implements policies and practices that promote equity and inclusion in education, addressing barriers to education for marginalized communities to ensure all individuals have access to quality education. These policies focus on removing systemic barriers and providing targeted support.

  • Targeted Support Programs: GCRI provides targeted support to vulnerable groups, including low-income families, refugees, and persons with disabilities, to bridge the education gap and promote inclusive learning environments. Initiatives such as scholarship programs and inclusive classroom designs are part of this effort.

Aligning Education with Contemporary Challenges

  • Curriculum Development: GCRI updates educational content and methods to reflect current and future societal needs, incorporating digital literacy, critical thinking, and sustainability into curricula. This ensures that learners acquire skills relevant to the 21st century.

  • Innovation and Technology: GCRI encourages innovation in education by integrating technology and digital tools, preparing learners for rapidly changing environments and equipping them with skills for the future. Projects include developing adaptive learning platforms and utilizing data analytics to personalize education.

Transforming education is essential for achieving the SDGs, addressing societal challenges, and preparing for uncertain futures. By adopting principles of lifelong learning, learner-centered approaches, and equity, education systems can become more inclusive, relevant, and effective. The collaborative efforts of the UN and GCRI exemplify a comprehensive approach to transforming education, setting a precedent for other institutions to follow. Through increased funding, innovative practices, and a commitment to equity, the global community can create an education system that truly supports lifelong learning and empowers individuals to contribute meaningfully to a sustainable and prosperous future.

The GCRI's strategic initiatives and its alignment with the UN frameworks highlight the importance of transforming education to address global risks and promote innovation. By fostering a learning society that values continuous education and inclusive practices, the GCRI is paving the way for a more resilient and equitable world.

Last updated